Sunday, February 22, 2009

Small Improvements

Fran has made some small improvements with her physical therapy. She is standing (reluctantly) anywhere from 40 seconds to 4 minutes on the parallel bars. There are therapists right there with her encouraging as much as possible. There is still some shaking in her hands but her skills with eating utensils have greatly improved. Each day she is applying foundation, lipstick and perfume. She looks forward to her Tuesday “hair days,” along with every other lady in the center.

Several days this week Philip and I split up our visiting times. Phil would go in right after work and visit for an hour or so and then I would visit after her dinner until her eyes got heavy. She is aware of her surroundings so much better now, although she still does have some confusing thoughts, at times.

Every once in awhile she thinks things are missing from her room and are being taken by some of the hired help. Philip and I keep track of her belongings and reassure her that there is no stealing going on. The social worker told us that this is a pretty common worry for the elderly and she sees it some with the residents.

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